Art by Wassily Kandinsky.

The Reason For Being

The Uplifting Times exists to break the negative news cycles. By reallocating our attention to more useful, productive, and uplifting news, we can nourish a stronger mindset of positivity, abundance, and confidence.

The problem is that today's news is increasingly fear-grabbing, doom-scrolling, unproductive, and overall negative. Research shows that consuming such news can lead to increased anxiety, stress, and a sense of helplessness, especially among the younger generation.

Of course, there are complex challenges and concerning events happening in the world, and we should remain informed. But good news and positive developments also occur every single day, deserving equal attention.

Why don't we hear more about the good? Our brains are wired to pay more attention to danger, and it's no secret that many media businesses exploit this psychology to maximize clicks and revenue.

While traditional journalism plays an important role in informing the public, many of today's major news sources are operated by profit-over-people advertising businesses. They employ potent algorithms deliberately engineered to grab our attention and keep us online, often disregarding negative externalities. Consequently, this perpetuates negative news cycles and shapes our daily state of mind.

Fortunately, our minds are also wired to thrive on optimism. Research shows that an optimistic outlook enhances our holistic wellbeing. Positivity can lead to lower rates of depression, increased life satisfaction, and better abilities to achieve our wildest dreams. We can change our mindset, and the news landscape, by deciding what we give attention to, one story at a time.

The Uplifting Times produces various channels to realize this vision.

The Uplifting Inbox is the core email newsletter that brings you insights, good news, and big ideas from around the world. This creates a space in your inbox for meaningful content to inform, educate, and uplift, counterbalancing today’s negative news.

Today, we face some of the most critical challenges of our era — unsustainability, inequality, and conflict — and the world needs a stronger, more uplifted mindset now more than ever. By subscribing to The Uplifting Inbox, you actively participate in the movement to transform the news landscape and foster a more optimistic worldview.

Subscribe to The Uplifting Inbox here and be part of changing the news, one uplifting story at a time.